Newer Client Testimonial

Appreciating this testinomial from one of my newer clients 🙏🏻

Sam is co-founder at venture-backed Embr Labs, the leading company addressing the symptoms of chronic health conditions by pioneering the use of temperature as a new pathway to the brain.

"Hi, my name is Sam Shames, and I'm a co-founder at Embr Labs. I've been working with Andy for about four months and would highly recommend him to other startup founders and leaders. What I've personally appreciated most is how Andy's helped me recognize the impact of my emotional state and my feelings on the work I'm trying to do and the contributions that I'm trying to make. And in particular, he's really helped me see the common essence and patterns behind many different challenges that I've faced, and how at their core, a lot of them relate to emotions like fear and anger and sadness and really getting new tools to help better accept those feelings and then use them to make good decisions. So, I would recommend Andy to any leader, and I think you'll find it's well worth the time."

Andy Wolfe

Andy is an accomplished product manager with a background in software engineering and entrepreneurship. He speaks four languages, holds 2 patents, and has a Bachelor of Arts from Columbia University in Computer Science.

Thanissara On Going Beyond The Walls Of Mind


Thoughts And Feelings Are Not The Enemy